“Protect Animal Life” With Music

By the nonfiction author Jonathan David Whitcomb

I just uploaded the following video to my Youtube channel Protect Animal Life:

Johann Sebastian Bach – with animals and birds

This short classical music video features the first prelude of the first book of the Well-Tempered Clavier: in C major. This piano piece accompanies a number of different kinds of animals and birds. In other words, this video is simply a montage of clips of various wildlife including whales, gorillas, elephants, and a variety of birds.

Origin of the music recording

On my Windows desktop computer, I used Musescore, which is a scorewriter similar to Finale and Sibelius. My creative work with this prelude by Bach was mostly in the control of tempo changes, yet I also took advantage of the programs ability to change dynamics within a piece.

My audio recording is under strict copyright protection: Do not use the music in this video for any purpose without my specific permission.


seagull takes food from human hand

From the video “Johann Sebastian Bach – with animals and birds”



The Well-Tempered Clavier

. . . collection of 48 preludes and fugues by Johann Sebastian Bach, published in two books (1722 and 1742). It explores the intricacies of each of the 12 major and 12 minor keys and constitutes the largest-scale and most-influential undertaking for solo keyboard of the Baroque era.


Protect Animal Life

This Youtube channel is organized not only to promote conservation of animal life officially recognized in Western science but also to promote knowledge and discovery regarding the nocturnal flying creature called ‘ropen.’ As of early-June of 2019, most of the videos on this channel were about sightings of apparent extant pterosaurs.


Official site for PAL

Not all large animals on this planet have been officially discovered and classified in Western science. Take the ropen, once thought by many cryptozoologists to be confined to Umboi Island in Papua New Guinea. It is now proclaimed to live not only in a number of countries in the southwest Pacific but almost across the globe.


About Johann Sebastian Bach

Bach is now generally regarded as one of the greatest composers of all time and is celebrated as the creator of the Brandenburg Concertos, The Well-Tempered Clavier, the Mass in B Minor, and numerous other masterpieces of church and instrumental music.

