Clear Thinking From a British Writer

“Weird” is a word occasionally thrown at reports of modern-day pterodactyls, properly called “pterosaurs.” I recently encountered a blog post titled, “A Whole New Level of Weirdness: Book Review of ‘Live Pterosaurs In America’ (3rd Edition).” Two unusual things struck me: the great length of that post and the openness of the writer, who is a Darwinist that considers the possibility of living pterosaurs in modern times.

“Possibility” requires elaboration. The blog writer, CJ, had not a milligram of believe before reading the third edition of my nonfiction cryptozoology book, but he now has just a tiny hope that those magnificent flying creatures may not all be extinct.

I know that some skeptics assume that anyone entertaining the idea of any modern pterosaur is thereby devoid of clear thinking. I suggest those skeptics consider the words of this British writer, which I now quote in brief.

I wanted to read about people who had been chased by pterodactyls! So I started to Google for any eye witness testimony, uncovered a funny but utterly unconvincing YouTube video, and then suddenly found that there actually was a “Living Pterosaur” research community, a fringe even within cryptozoology.

Even better, there were several books. Most of the research appears to be on “Ropens”, allegedly living Pterosaurs in Papua New Guinea. Now I’m afraid I have not read anything on that, and can’t really comment, for as I browsing I spotted a book “Live Pterosaurs in America” by Jonathan David Whitcomb, a nonfiction analysis of actual sightings in the USA.  This I had to own, so I immediately ordered it from Amazon, and a few days later it was mine! And you know what — I’m glad I bought it, and have enjoyed reading it.

How refreshing, at least for me, to encounter a skeptic who hopes that somehow there might be a living pterosaur on this planet! CJ admits having little knowledge outside of reading this one book, but he keeps an open mind. I wish more readers and writers were more like him.

Comment on the Book Live Pterosaurs in America

Response [from Jonathan Whitcomb]: I too have, at times, felt it strange, as I take a walk around my neighborhood, as I ponder the possibility that a modern pterosaur might at any time fly over my head. I too have never seen anything like a pterosaur. But nine years of investigating eyewitness sightings brings my mind back to the more convincing accounts, and I realize that I have just been less lucky than the eyewitnesses. These wonderful flying creatures, although nocturnal, are quite real, in spite of Western extinction indoctrination.
