Ropen or Pterodactyl Sightings in Videos

By Jonathan D. Whitcomb

The following are just a few of the hundreds of Youtube videos, on the channel “Protect Animal Life”, about modern living pterosaurs:


Ropen – A Modern Pterodactyl ALIVE!

Why do people around the world report seeing a long-tailed pterodactyl? It’s because ropens are nocturnal and rare but spread across the planet, and on occasion some fly in daylight.



Live Pterodactyl – Do any Scientists Believe in These Flying Creatures?

Yes, some scientists believe that a limited number of species of pterosaurs have survived into modern times. In fact, some scientists have witnessed a live “pterodactyl” with their own eyes.

In Perth, Australia, in 1997, a man and his wife were taking an evening walk when they saw a gigantic flying creature soaring towards them, eventually getting very close. After the encounter, the man estimated its wingspan was between 30 feet and 50 feet, probably closer to 50. How does that relate to this video? That man was a scientist.



Ropen Pterodactyl and Bird Watching

A few skeptics have declared that no bird watchers have ever seen a modern pterosaur. So how can those few critics be omnipotent? Or why do they assume that if a few bird watchers saw a living pterodactyl then the whole western world would suddenly believe in those large featherless flying creatures?

A limited species of pterosaurs still live in this wonderful world of life, but human nature in Western cultures has remained mainly the same for a long time. Many people still assume that every species of pterosaur (aka “pterodactyl”) became extinct many millions of years ago. NOT SO!



Pterodactyl Sightings – 170+ Videos by mid-2021

This is a Youtube channel trailer video for “Protect Animal Life”, with brief excerpts from seven living-pterosaur videos, out of about 170 total videos on this channel, almost all of which relate to pterodactyl sightings . . .



Two Pterodactyls Chase a Bat – Flying News Flash

For many years, researchers and explorers have seen indirect evidence that some modern pterosaurs (a.k.a. “pterodactyls”) hunt bats at night. Now we have an eyewitness in northern Alabama who saw two of the flying creatures chasing a bat at around 5:30 a.m., in the spring of 2020.



Pterodactyl Sightings in California

These four sighting reports of modern pterosaurs in California have perhaps never before been featured in a Youtube video. For sighting #1, in the words of an eyewitness, “It turned its head and looked right at me”.




Live Pterodactyls in Youtube Videos

My principal Youtube channel for videos about modern living pterosaurs is Protect Animal Life. As of early May, 2022, this channel had about 230 videos about modern living pterosaurs, a.k.a. “pterodactyls”. Here are a few of them . . .


Ropens Living Around the World

“Fifteen miles of her commute is on a two-lane 55-mph road through woods alternating with pastures; This part of Highway 82 has few houses . . . She had driven less than ten miles, just leaving an area of pasture, entering an area of thick woods, around a mild downhill curve, with high banks and brush on each side of the road, when an animal suddenly flew from the right, just over the front of her car.”


Belief in Modern Pterosaurs – Reply to a Critic

I read a comment left under one of the videos on my Youtube channel Protect Animal Life. The person may not be aware of his or her own assumptions about me and my writings and my small online video productions, probably having only very limited experience with them. . . .


Another Ropen Sighting in Ohio

A man (who has two college degrees in biology) and his son together had a sighting in a suburb of Columbus, Ohio. The following is part of the man’s email report to me . . .

I just want to report a sighting of a pterodactyl-looking animal. My sighting took place last night, 12/19/2016. . . . I would think of myself as someone who knows a little something of the animal kingdom. . . . we couldn’t have been more that 6 or 7 feet from it. . . . As far as the tail goes, I did not see a tail but my son said he did as the creature whipped it around…he said it had sharp projections on the tip…but it was moving so fast he said he just got a glimpse of it . . .


Pterodactyls or Modern Flying Dinosaurs

I am a scientist, and I have discovered that the great majority of eyewitness sighting reports of extant pterosaurs are neither misidentifications nor hoaxes . . .


The ropen of the southwest Pacific

Americans led two expeditions on Umboi Island in 2004. With my interpreter Luke Paina, I led the first expedition on that remote tropical island in Papua New Guinea. The second one was led by David Woetzel and Garth Guessman, with Jacob Kepas interpreting. None of us had a clear view of the ropen, at least not clear enough to see any details of form or features. We did have three sightings of a flying light.


Analysis of the Ropen Light Video

Principal focus of this study is the nocturnal flight dynamics, vision (electro-optical systems analysis) and the general physical characterization of the animal in flight, level and at angle-of-attack.


Ropen Video

A Destination Truth episode about a potential modern pterosaur in Papua New Guinea
