The “Civil War” Pterosaur

"Ptp" photograph with a Civil War flying "monster"

By Jonathan Whitcomb

Apparently the strongest objection to the authenticity of the original version of the Ptp “pterodactyl photo” is a web page titled “The Civil War Pterosaur”, which I label “CWP”. I’ll refer to the author of that article as B.D., but I will not link to it here, for it contains biased irrelevant criticisms even though the main subject is, or at least appears to be, the Ptp image.

Below is the complete image of Ptp:

"Ptp" photograph with a Civil War flying "monster"

Let’s begin with the main declaration of CWP: that the origin of Ptp is the Freakylinks episode “Coelacanth This!” (broadcast in about the year 2000). When I looked through the apparent relevant parts of that episode, I found four places where part of Ptp was shown briefly.

The main point of CWP appears to be this: The origin of Ptp is that episode of Freakylinks. A shallow assessment seems to make it obvious that the author of CWP is correct: Just look at those four parts of the episode where Ptp appears plainly to the viewer. BUT NOT SO!

The problem is this: NOWHERE in that episode can you see the whole image of Ptp. In other words, no viewer could have stopped the playback of that episode to get a still image of the “pterodactyl” and those six soldiers and then put that still image onto a web page or blog post or Youtube video.

Why is that important? The CWP article seems to concentrate on making a point: that “Coelacanth This!” is the origin of Ptp. That is now refuted.

Why do I now declare that Ptp only validly refers to the whole image? I am the person who came up with the label “Ptp”, so why shouldn’t I be the one to define it? But the point here is not in the label or definition but in the episode “Coelacanth This!”, for the complete image of those six soldiers and that apparent pterosaur are found online BUT NOT IN THAT TV EPISODE.

Where did Ptp Come From?

I have seen the complete image of Ptp on only a few online pages, and not one of them referred to either Freakylinks or Haxan Films or the name of the episode “Coelacanth This!”

evidence the Civil War pterodactyl photo is older than about 1870

Look at what is beneath the beak of the apparent pterodactyl

The above image shows what looks like either a piece of a branch or a block of wood. Whatever it is, the purpose is probably to keep the man’s boot steady while the photo was being recorded. In other words, this is one of several pieces of evidence that the recording of this image took place well before the beginning of the 20th century.




Ptp “Civil War” pterodactyl photo

At some time between when this animal ended it final flight and the time the photo was recorded, the outer part of both wings became inverted. The apparent top of the outer wing section would actually be the bottom side of the wings during flight. This is hardly the kind of obscure detail that a digital effects company would have thought of and created for a common TV show episode.


Civil War Dinosaur – Pterodactyl Photo

This ropen-pterodactyl-photo video has far more detail on the photograph itself, MUCH more information about Ptp image and how it very well may be a genuine photo of a modern pterosaur . . .


Press release on pterodactyl sightings

The following gives a brief overview of a small portion of these “flying dinosaur” ( or dragon) sightings in press releases.


Contact for pterodactyl sightings

I encourage people around the world to report their sightings of apparent living pterosaurs to me or to one of my associates.


Pterodactyl sightings in California

According to the cryptozoology author Jonathan Whitcomb, of Murray, Utah, people keep reporting pterosaurs in California, not fossil discoveries but non-extinct “pterodactyls” flying overhead.


Pterodactyl Sightings in Videos

Some people believe that not all “flying dinosaurs” are extinct. Feel free to watch the following three videos . . .


Eyewitness Reports of Apparent Living Pterosaurs

This is a huge resource on pterodactyl sightings around the world. Although each individual report is very brief, it helps people see the immense breadth we have in this branch of cryptozoology.


Danger from Pterodactyl Attacks

Is the ropen, or any other modern pterosaur, dangerous? First, we have more than one animal of that type in our modern world. At any particular time and place, a particular long-tailed ropen may search for bats or jack rabbits or fish, and that choice of prey depends a lot on the experiences of that particular animal.

